US DOL Announces Plans to Hire 100 Investigators

US DOL Announces Plans to Hire 100 Investigators

US DOL has announced plans to hire 100 investigators to increase enforcement action

ST LOUIS, MO (STL.Directory) We do not imply that local businesses violate employment laws.  Still, to keep local businesses informed, the U.S. Department of Labor announced yesterday that they intend to hire 100 investigators to increase the enforcement action and protect employees.

Employers are continually challenged with the overwhelming responsibility of their employees.  It is a complex responsibility that can create many financial and legal challenges.  However, being better informed can help avoid mistakes by accident.  We strongly recommend you hire a professional bookkeeper service provider or payroll company to help you comply with the overwhelming responsibilities.  It is expected that business failures are a result of accidental violations and getting behind on payroll taxes.

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