Asian Cafe Bar & Grill Added to STL.Directory

Asian Cafe Bar & Grill Added to STL.Directory

Asian Cafe Bar & Grill in O’Fallon, MO, has been added to STL.Directory.

O’FALLON, MO (STL.Directory) Asian Cafe Bar & Grill has been chosen to be added to the STL.Directory due to its high online reviews, interior decor, location, and length of business.  CLICK to view its listing.

This is not a paid listing.  The restaurant does not influence our decision of who to add or remove from this directory.  We have tried to visit with them about writing a restaurant review, but while we love the restaurant, they are not friendly people.  We will continue to make attempts to visit with them, but we can only push so hard.  We want to publish a review, but…

Having written that, we believe this is one of the nicest Asian restaurants in the O’Fallon community, if not the St. Louis region.

St. Louis Restaurant Review has added them to their directory as well.

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