Casa Tequila Cantina & Grill Added to STL.Directory

Casa Tequila Cantina & Grill Added to STL.Directory

Casa Tequila Cantina & Grill is an upscale Mexican restaurant in Winghaven, Missouri.

WINGHAVEN, MO (STL.Directory) Casa Tequila Cantina & Grill has been added to the restaurant category on STL.Directory.  Additionally, it has been added to the following:

They were chosen to be added as a non-paid listing for multiple reasons decided solely by the editor-in-chief.

This establishment started in Warrenton, Missouri, and has recently expanded to the Winghaven, Missouri, location.  Additionally, they leased the drink container in the Winghaven location, next to the volleyball court, and added a food truck to expand their brand and serve their customers regardless of where they entertain themselves.

This is a small family-owned chain, that we expect great things to occur over the next few years.  Their food and service are excellent, and the facilities are as good as they come.

STL.News published an article announcing that they added them to their business directory.

Personally, I think this is one of the best Mexican restaurants in the St. Louis region.

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